Reviews from Paul Viscount (1)
Marina Review for Sailcraft Service
Reviewed by:
Paul Viscount on Apr 22, 2023
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 42'
Draft: 4.5'Rating: 5
We hit a submerged object on our way north and developed a bad vibration. I called the local SeaTow operator for suggestions of a good repair facility and he recommended Sailcraft. When I called it was evident that they were already extremely busy and had no wet space to put us. They took this nervous captain and his injured vessel in anyway. I pulled my vessel into the travel lift and was immediately hauled and blocked. There it was, a bad bend in the starboard prop. We stayed the night on the boat and they were able to change out the existing props for my spare set in the morning. We were launched and back on our way before noon. They took time out of they're very busy schedule to help get us back on our way.
Jennifer, Mike, George and the entire staff are truly like one big friendly family. It is an absolute pleasure to do business with such friendly,professional and courteous people. They helped calm a situation that no boating couple wants to experience on a long trip.
It is so comforting to know there are still people out there that are so genuine with the service they provide.
I would highly recommend Sailcraft to anyone in need of any type of service on they're vessel.
Thank You Sailcraft Staff !!!View location on the Waterway Guide Explorer