Reviews: Lafayette River
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Review for Lafayette River
Reviewed by: Capt. Mac Rubel, Cruising Editor, Janthina, on Oct 25, 2024
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 48'
Draft: 5.0'Overall Rating:4Holding:5Wind Protection:3Current Flow:5Wake Protection:3Scenic Beauty:3Ease of Shopping:1Shore Access:1Pet Friendly:1Cell Service:4If coming from the north, turn off the channel at Green 19, just south of the Container Facility and proceed down the well-marked channel in no less than 11 feet MLW. If you are coming down the Elizabeth River just after the coal docks turn off the channel at Green 21 and you will be aligned with the entry channel. At Red 10 turn to the east and move off into the pocket where the icon is located and anchor in about 9 feet MLW with good holding in mud and oyster shells. Account for the 3 foot tide when calculating how much rode to let out and be careful to stay centered in the pocket so as to have sufficient depth when you swing. Protection from wind, waves, and current is very good but there is a casual local attitude about minding your wake as you pass anchored boats. Shore access, if allowed, would be through the Norfolk Yacht Club which is next to the anchorage. We did not ask as we had no need to go ashore. The ambiance of the anchorage is best described as "mixed." You have the yacht club and lovely houses along the bank of the river and right next to this is the Norfolk Container and Coal Ports, working night. Right down the road is the US Naval Facility at Norfolk, with ships coming in and out on a regular basis. There is no shopping in the area; the closest grocery store is two miles away. There are some restaurants in the area, but they are oriented to vehicle traffic, not boaters. Cell reception is very good. We waited out some bad weather for a day and had a relaxing experience overall even though we found ourselves in the middle of a dinghy regatta in the afternoon. This is definitely a secure anchorage and we plan to use it again when transiting the area.
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Review for Lafayette River
Reviewed by: Christopher Carmody on Oct 30, 2022
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 43'
Draft: 4.0'Overall Rating:3Holding:4Wind Protection:4Current Flow:5Wake Protection:3Scenic Beauty:3Ease of Shopping:1Shore Access:1Pet Friendly:1Cell Service:4WiFi:1Can be busy with boats that look like they've been on the hook for a while. If you can squeeze a spot its a great place.
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Review for Lafayette River
Reviewed by: Capt. Mac Rubel, Cruising Editor on Oct 8, 2022
LOA: 48'
Draft: 5.0'Overall Rating:4Holding:5Wind Protection:4Current Flow:4Wake Protection:3Scenic Beauty:3Ease of Shopping:1Shore Access:1Pet Friendly:1Cell Service:5The Lafayette River Anchorage is an island of quiet in the middle of the most amazing collection of military/commercial/recreational facilities that is Norfolk/Portsmouth. Leave the channel at Green 19, five miles north of ICW Mile 0 and enter the well-marked channel leading back to the Lafayette River with 12 feet MLW of water all the way back to the anchorage. There is 11 feet MLW at the anchorage icon. You will find many of the small boats will take the short cut and go right through the anchorage area. Fortunately traffic dies down at night. Consider the three foot tide when letting out anchor rode. Holding is good in hard packed mud. We had 20+ mph winds overnight and did not budge. Fair wind protection all around and good wave protection from all directions except the southwest. There is room for two or three boats. Very good cell reception for the Big Three. The noise from the container port operations continues into the evening but stops overnight.
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Review for Lafayette River
Reviewed by: Jay Peters, Nomaste, on Mar 24, 2022
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 38'
Draft: 4.3'Overall Rating:4Holding:4Wind Protection:4Current Flow:5Wake Protection:3Scenic Beauty:3Ease of Shopping:1Shore Access:1Pet Friendly:3Cell Service:4I've stopped here three times. Always blissfully quiet after the bustle and noise of Norfolk. Twice had junior sailing program using us as a mark; it was great to see the high quality instruction they were getting. Great holding though winds were < 20 knots. Highly recommended. Jay
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Review for Lafayette River
Reviewed by: Skipper Bob on Jun 1, 2016
Draft: 0.0'Overall Rating:3Holding:4Wind Protection:4Current Flow:5Wake Protection:4Scenic Beauty:2Ease of Shopping:1Cell Service:4View location on the Waterway Guide Explorer