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CAUTION: Brazos River Floodgates
- Date Reported: May 8, 2022
- Reporter: Ted Stehle
- Source: Staff
- Description:
Mile 401.0 & Mile 400.6, {0.5}, Brazos River Flood Gates (VHF-13). One gate on each side of the river. Frequently open when the river is not too high. Caution: Watch for debris and substantial current. During floods, the gates could be closed for several days. Call 979-233-1251 for the latest conditions.
- Lat / Lon: N 28° 53.745' / W 095° 23.082'
1 Boater Comment
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Comment by: James Brace on Feb 18, 2025
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 40'
Draft: 4.0'On our February 2025 trip there was a huge amount of barge traffic. The gates are only wide enough for one barge so doubles have to break tows and pass through multiple times. The operator manages all this on VHF 13. He goes by the handle 411. Or just call the Brazos Floodgate (East or West depending on your direction). I found it interesting that commercial traffic on the GIWW west of Galveston Bay communicate only on VHF 16 leaving 13 for the locks/floodgates. Strong currents at times shut down the commercial traffic. Faster, powerful recreational craft can power through. Slow trawlers/sailboats may have difficulty.
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