New Harbor (Great Salt Pond) - Block Island Mooring



+1 (401) 466-3204


In season - New Harbor Office, Open daily 9am - 3pm


Monitored: 12

Block Island, RI | N 41° 11.000' / W 071° 34.442'

Great Salt Pond

Block Island, RI 02807

Body of Water

Great Salt Pond

Management Company

Town of New Shoreham

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Your request has been sent to the dockmaster at
New Harbor (Great Salt Pond) - Block Island Mooring

Yes, sign me up for the News & Navigation Alerts.
A is a facility where you can keep your boat tied in a slip.
(Just making sure you're a real person)

Dock Rates

Town Moorings - Located in the southwest corner of the Great Salt Pond.

Call ahead to confirm as prices are always subject to change

Moorings Offered: Yes
Daily: $30.00


Pumpout: Yes
Restrooms: Yes
Showers: Yes


  • Moorings are located along the southern edge of Great Salt Pond in front of the marinas. They are first-come, first-served. The harbormaster's launch will drop by to collect the fee, which covers trash disposal, pump-out service and two shower tokens per day (in the pavilion at Fred Benson Town Beach.
  • Rafting of up to two boats is permitted (with permission) but not required. 
  • Town Rental Moorings are first come first serve. They do not take reservations.
  • Contact the Harbormaster on VHF Channel 12 for availability when you enter the Pond. Located in the southwest corner of the Great Salt Pond.
  • Moorings light green in color with black numbers can accommodate vessels up to 45 feet. Bright orange moorings are for vessels 46 to 55 feet in length.  
  • Private moorings are white in color with black numbers. Yacht club moorings are Blue in color with black numbers
  • Payment can be made with cash, check or credit card (MasterCard or Visa).
  • Check out time is 10am.
  • You are not allowed to anchor in the Town mooring field, within 100 feet of a commercial dock, on the west side of the harbor, within 50 feet of a residential dock private mooring or moored vessel, in the recreation area, or in the navigation channels and fairways.