Coco Bay
- Location: Abaco
- Lat / Lon: N 26° 47.318' / W 077° 20.294'
- Depth: 7'-10'
- Tide: 2.0'-2.5'
- Description:
Coco Bay is a quiet anchorage located on the north end of Green Turtle Cay.
Coco Bay a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of The Settlement, and in prevailing conditions the protection is very good as is the holding, provided you remain clear of the numerous grassy patches. Nevertheless, this should be considered a fair-weather anchorage as a swell will build from waves pushing through the cut south of Fiddlers Cay when winds reach 20 kts, even if it is blowing from the east, which is the most protected direction.
The farther into the bay you go the better the protection but the swell will still penetrate. The best part of the anchorage is abeam of the small point that defines the bay. Take note that the north side of the bay shallows rapidly and almost dries at low tide.